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All after school classes are booked as 8 week sessions.  Classes are held everyday, except as otherwise noted.


Fall Session 1

Monday, September 2nd through Sunday, October 27th

no class on Monday, September 5th (Labor Day) - ALL LOCATIONS


Fall Session 2

Monday, October 28 through Sunday, December 22nd

no class on Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving) - ALL LOCATIONS


Winter Session 1

Monday, December 30th through Sunday, February 23rd


Winter Session 2

Monday, February 24th through Sunday, April 20th


Spring Session 1

Monday, April 21st through Sunday, June 22nd





Classes: All sessions are 8 weeks long and enrollments are done on a rolling basis.  Ninjas will be automatically reenrolled in their current class unless notice is provided prior to the start of the next session that you would like to switch or cancel a class (email preferred).  All session dues must be paid in full prior to the start of class.  We do not currently offer trial classes - the best way to see if ninja is a fit for your child is to attend one of our drop-in open gym sessions!   Late session sign-ups will be prorated, but we cannot temporarily reserve or hold spots in class for ninjas unable to join at the beginning of the session.  


Ninjas who miss class (including: absences due to illness or other reasons; and classes that are cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons outside of our control) will be issued a make-up token through our booking software and are entitled to attend up to 2 of our dedicated make-up classes per session, with exact dates and times to be announced during the session.  We will not issue refunds or prorate sessions for planned absences, or issue credits, refunds or exchanges for classes that are not made up in the session they are missed.  If you must cancel your entire session for any reason we will issue a credit for future use, provided we have notice of cancellation within the first two weeks of class (no refunds are given for scheduling or other changes after the first two weeks of class).    


In the event of a mandated closure (by the Federal, State or Local Government for Covid-19 reasons or otherwise), you will have the option to either attend virtual classes for the remainder of the session dates or resume classes once we are permitted to reopen.  No refunds will be given.    


Holiday Camps/Friday Night Fun/Open Gym: Preregistration is strongly recommended for all sessions.  If you need to cancel your session, please provide at least 48 hours advance notice.  Sessions cancelled in advance will either receive a credit towards a future session or a refund (minus a processing fee).  No refunds, credits or exchanges will be given for late cancellations or missed sessions. 


Summer Camps: All camp sessions are booked on a week-long basis.  Daily drop-ins are permitted subject to availability.  If you need to cancel your session, please provide at least 2 weeks advance notice.  Sessions cancelled in advance will either recieve a credit towards a future week or a refund (minus a processing fee).  No refunds, credits or exchanges will be given for late cancellations or missed camp days, however all efforts will be made to adjust camp weeks in the case of scheduling change requests.   


The Grit Ninja

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